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Our history

Spirituality for us is the recognition that there are things that are beyond those perceived through the senses, knowledge that is beyond that received through the usual channels of education and society - and the ongoing journey of research towards their discovery and deep recognition.


Bella aura is a spirituality center in hand: we explain to you in scientific and visible ways spiritual concepts such as Aura, Chakra, Meditation, Crystals, Energies, Vibration, Manifestation and many others.


Our clients are curious people, open-minded and always ready to learn and absorb new information about the essence of the life we are living.


We are also experts in personal counseling for those who are at a crossroads in life, faced with an important decision or lost in doubts and uncertainties. We use energy and vibration reading, numerology, meditation and reiki and massage treatments, according to the client's needs.

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